
Be sure to check out the Custom Knifemakers Gallery

Knifemaker List

Attention Knifemakers: If you are a custom knifemaker and would like to be listed here, please submit your information and a website link to . If you would like to be featured in my Knifemakers Gallery, please submit your information, a photo of yourself, and some photos of your work.

Knifemaker Description
Hibben Knives
The master
Stan Wilson Knives
Beautiful custom knives. Neat web site with tour of his shop.
Scrim by HutcH
Rick "Hutch" Hutchings
Crestwood, KY Phone 502-241-2871
Incredible scrimshaw artist, custom knives, cigar cutters, mammoth jewelry.
Fendley knives
Cliff Fendley
LaGrange, KY   Phone 502-222-9906
Custom knives, specializing in hunters

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