Blade Show - Atlanta, GA - 2005

The show floor

The show floor

Lots of dealers

Part of the Buck display

Of course, I had to check out Gil Hibbens table first

Gil Hibben knives. Notice the Damascus putter

Gil Hiiben

Gil Hibben

Gil Hibben Star Trek knife

Gil Hibben Dragonfly

The lovely Linda Hibben shows off Gil's Bowies

Pocket change

Nice swords

Nice Turquois work

Some nice Buck customs

Switchblades galore

My wife tries on a knights glove. Those things hurt up side your head!

Incredible integral design by Ron Best of Stokes, NC

Ron Best. Amazing workmanship!

Best of show case

Gil's Titan nominated for Collaboration of the Year

Best of Show case

Nominated for Most Innovative Imported Design

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